Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Red State

Dude, you never mentioned how intense this flick is. If you did, you certainly didn't underscore it with enough emphasis. HOLY FUCK!

I've been a huge Kevin Smith fan since day one. The guy is bone fide auteur. So it shouldn't surprise me that he pulled something like this off. I mean, it makes perfect sense that if he's going to react against what he's known for ("dick and fart jokes" as Holden references in Chasing Amy), then he's gonna go 180 degrees when he make a serious film.

Almost everything about this was different than a "normal" Smith film. Editing, score, cinematography, acting, plot, tone... But he can't (and wouldn't want to) divorce himself entirely from what makes a Kevin Smith film a Kevin Smith film. Namely; dialog and theme.

For being a Catholic, Smith has more jabs at Christianity than most anyone else of any religious denomination. In this case the film is taking aim at religious zealots like the Westboro Baptist Church, who use their warped version of Christianity as a guise/reason for homophobia, hatred and self-righteousness. He's also clearly referencing David Koresh and the Davidians. This is obviously alluded to by the weapons cache, botched ATF assault against a religious compound, and whole siege situation in general. The main preacher in the film even resembles an older David Koresh.

Smith went for balls-to-the-wall with realism. The sound of the gunfire, the merciless killing and the insanity of both the cult-members and the ATF was rendered in absolutely brutal life-like sequences.

Marie left the room and started crying about a half hour into it, then started shopping for shoes online later.

I cannot believe how fucking good this was.

I can kinda see why I didn't hear much about this, either. It's not a likable film. It clearly indicts the government in gross negligence and bullshit politics. And the depiction of the fucked up homophobic killer Christian cult was so visceral and believable, that it's not the kind of flick you just recommend someone watches. It's not for the weak of heart. It touches on some really troubling subject. A whole lot of really deeply pervasive and troubling subjects in America.

Anyway, I need to get to bed. But seriously, this was a fantastic film and something that Kevin Smith should be very, very proud of. I think it should be mandatory viewing for high school kids.


  1. I absolutely loved this movie. I just don't like over-hyping a movie. I feel it's a set up for a let down when you hear how "awesome" a movie is.

    The whole movie was enthralling. I was so pumped up while watching it.

    The main preacher guy is in almost all Tarentino movies. He really nailed the role, cuz I hated him so much. Reminds me of the guy who played Brick Top.

  2. are you sure Smith is a Catholic?? I saw him promoting this movie on a Podcast and he sounded FAAAR from Catholic or Christian for that matter.

  3. If you ever hear him talk about his films (like Dogma), he goes on about kinda of criticizing religion from within. He believes in god, he was raised in an Irish Catholic household, (may have went to a Catholic school?) and its from this experience and belief that he feels he can and should poke fun at himself and his religion. Almost like it's his duty to point out absurdities cuz he's one of them, so to speak. He has a free pass to do it cuz that's his background. While he doesn't agree w/ a lot of it, I think he's a god-fearing Catholic. Just a rather unusual and unorthodox god-fearing Catholic who doesn't take himself too seriously. I have "an askew view" which is all about Smith, if you really wanted me to look through it I could see what it reveals. It's been a while since I've read it...
