Tuesday, February 9, 2016

12 Angry Men

Wow. Can't believe I'd never really heard much about this flick. A trusted co-worker loaned me the DVD and I watched it tonight. It's fucking awesome. Almost brought a wee tear to my eye.

I knew it ruled from the opening few frames. Great cinematography and framing. Incredibly Hitchcockian in style and content. Hitch' loved "the wrong man" plot device, and was big on the camera telling the story. The camera often took a POV perspective and would focus on exactly what the viewer was supposed to see. Almost child-like in its simplicity. It just followed what needed to be followed. Clearly meticulously story-boarded. That's how this film rolls. The intro also kinda reminded me of Robert Bresson's "Pickpocket."

So I definitely loved the beautiful blocking and framing. Very well thought-out.

Acting was top class. The movie also reminded me of Jacques Becker's "Le Trou," in its intensity, singular setting, and character development. Another absolutely jaw-dropping film. Prison film from France. How can you argue with that?

Anyway, this movie is about a jury deliberating a murder trial. It focuses on 'reasonable doubt,' prejudices, and logic. It's 100% dialogue driven. 99% of the film takes place in one room.

It ruled hard.

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