Monday, March 9, 2015

Popular Lies About Graphic Design

This is a cool book.

I think this is a great, very quick read about design. The author just plays devil's advocate and/or tries to dispels "lies" he's been told or encountered in his design career. Most of it is spot-on, and some of it is up for debate. But that's how it should be; a dialogue.

I'm looking forward to passing this along to the rest of my co-workers. I think they'll find it an inspirational read. The layout is excellent and worth the price of the book alone.

There isn't a ton to say about this. It's pocket-sized. It's well designed. And it's thought-provoking and sometimes confrontational. There are guest spots by quite a lot of famous and not-so-famous designers. Sagmeister and Carson make cameos. Y'know how it goes...

Good book for any designer. Another good one to hand out at design school. Dig it.

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