Saturday, March 28, 2015

Karmic Management

Sorry for the shitty graphic. I'm too lazy to take a pic of the book myself. It's not like it's a terribly thrilling book cover...

This is another one of those "read it on a plane ride" type of books. Only 140 pages or so.

I'm always interested in reading any books that merge Eastern Thought or Buddhist teachings in particular, with business or management. I found this little book and gave it a spin.

It wasn't mind-blowing, but it's worth passing along due to its brevity. It's not a big time investment so you can blaze through it and pull out a couple nuggets of truth. Or find a couple things to dwell upon.

Karmic Management essentially teaches you that in order for you to succeed in business, you first have to help other people succeed in the same types of things you want to achieve. The more you give and the more you help, the more it will created echoes that give back and help you out in the future. Make your team look like superstars because they in turn will reflect back upon you and make you look like a superstar. Stuff like that...

The cool thing about the book is that some, if not many of the concepts are things we already do at my job. So that's reassuring. But there's definitely some concepts to pull out and really think about how we could implement them at work.

I plan on re-reading some of these chapters to get some of the main ideas down on paper and then taking that to my Managers at work and seeing how we can use them to spark conversations and positive change.


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