Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Art of Client Service

I read The Art of Client Service on the plane to Puerto Rico. As the subtitle says, it's 58 things every advertising & marketing professional should know. I figured being in the business it would be worthwhile for me to give it a good read. So I did...

This is the kind of book that should be mandatory reading for the Account / Sales team. The advice is universal and you can definitely apply it regardless of whether you're a "sales person" or not. Because truly we're all selling, every day, regardless of our title.

The book is broken up into the following areas: At the start of an assignment, looking at creative, making presentations, running a meeting, attitude, communication, trouble, and socializing. Each area has its own chunk of "things you should do." Most are exemplified via personal anecdotes. The author has failed often (as all successful people have), and mined those failures to give substance to his suggestions and assertions.

I will definitely be passing this one around at work. It's a quick read and it's packed with little nuggets of advice. But it's definitely something I'll reread and take specific notes. I believe the website has a downloadable PDF with the main 58 take-aways summarized so you can post them up on your wall and whatnot.

If you read business books then add this to your list and bust it out on your next flight...

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