Sunday, May 20, 2012


I'm going to go ahead and assume you just read the previous post which talks about Tatsumi's 2nd compendium, Abandon the Old in Toyko. This is his 3rd and it's called Good-Bye.

So, like I was saying, he brings in a little more politics into this one, particularly touching on Hiroshima. It works for me. The only difference I see in the first collection of stories vs. the next two is that they seem a touch shorter in Pushman? I think he was writing for maybe a variety of different pubs with varying lengths of weekly installments. Anyway, more of the same in Good-Bye. More perversion, more salt in the wound, more shame and inner demons. More spotlights on Japan's quiet subconscious.

I actually really dig that many of his characters look the same. Tatsumi draws the "everyman" and I appreciate that the "everyman" looks pretty similar in each story. I think it's important to his storytelling. I mention this because I've seen some people deriding his art for its same-ness.

The fourth book might be out right now. I'm gonna go check on Amazon and add that to my cart. I'll also get around to reading his bio. Cool thing is that there's a film being made about him based on his bio. Pretty psyched.

Tatsumi is definitely one of my favorite comic book artists of all time. Go buy the Pushman...

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