Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hitchcock Truffaut

Marie and I went down to the DIA to catch this flick after a stellar dinner at Antietam. We'd been looking forward to it for obvious reasons. Two of our favorite Directors in the room discussing Hitchcock's oeuvre. We're there.

I have the Hitchcock Truffaut book that the film is based on. It's a very detailed work released by Truffaut. He spent 40 hours interviewing Alfred in 1962 about each one of his movies and then using those recordings as the backbone of the book. Hitch was 63 and Francois was 32 at the time.

The book is much better than the film. It was good but a little bit of a let-down. At times the Director has a subtitled French film on screen while Truffaut is speaking in French and a translator is speaking in English. It's quite impossible to both comprehend what's happening in the subtitles as well as what the translator is saying. We both found that to be a pretty obvious oversight. No one ever said, "hey, that's kinda disorienting or distracting," in any of the pre-screenings?

Aside from that it was still pretty good. If you're a film nerd you should own the book. It's like the bible of moviemaking. The documentary is a decent add-on, though.

So yeah, worth seeing, but nowhere near as revolutionary and important as the book.

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