Monday, March 31, 2014

Hells Angels on Wheels

Watched this a few days ago. Jack Nicholson rules hard in this quintessential biker flick from the late 60's.

This one is another one that actually employed the acting talents of the real Hells Angels. But the movie augments their brilliant acting with some actual actors. And it works. They got some decent talent in the film. I wouldn't get carried away; these aren't Academy Award winning performances, but it's good shit nonetheless.

This film has it all. Bar fights, swazis, ravaging a small Cali town, rape (if I recall), crazy headgear, and even a biker wedding. First one of those that we've seen.

Oh wait, there's one thing it doesn't have at all: a plot. This one is completely devoid of plot. I mean, truly. They chase some sheep. They do donuts in a park. They get hassled by the Man. It was shot in 13 days and it kinda shows.

Anyway, I don't have anything revelatory to say about Hells Angels on Wheels that I haven't already said in any other biker flick that employs the words "Hell" or "Angel" in the title. Laszlo Kovacs (Easy Rider, Hell's Bloody Devils, Psych-Out) did the cinematography. It's legit, man. This is one of the most professional flicks we've seen thus far.

I want to watch it with the commentary. Bet it's gonna rule.

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