Monday, June 3, 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

I thought this looked mediocre based on the trailer. Turns out the trailer was pretty accurate.

I like Wes Anderson, I'm definitely not a Wes Anderson fanboy, but I like his movies. Some more than others. Anyway, I thought this was alright. I'm sure you've seen it. I think it's been reviewed on here before.

The last half hour was good. The first sixty minutes was meh. I wasn't really hooked on any of the characters. But I did find Suzy intriguing right off the bat. The intro was similar to the Life Aquatic, wasn't it? Seemed like I'd seen it before.

Colors and cinematography were great. Editing was good. Obviously it was really dry, but I felt like it was missing some the dynamism that Owen Wilson normally brings to Anderson's flicks. Like it didn't quite have the yin to balance the yang.

I don't have a ton to say about it. It was alright. You could do a lot worse.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, I liked this film but I didn't love it. Kind of felt like a re tred. I also thought it was weird that Anderson tried to sexualize children. Def uncomfortable to watch.
